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Jie Gu", Jiacheng Zhu", Patrick Knuppel, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jie Shan*, Kin Fai Mak*. Remote imprinting of moiré lattices. Nature Mater. 23, 219–223 (2024).
Jie Gu*, Liguo Ma*. Exciton insulator in a moiré lattice. Acta Phys. Sin. 72, 067101 (2023).
Yanhao Tang*", Jie Gu", Song Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James C. Hone, Kin Fai Mak*, Jie Shan*. Dielectric catastrophe at the Wigner-Mott transition in a moiré superlattice. Nature Comm. 13, 4271 (2022).
Jie Gu, Liguo Ma, Song Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James C. Hone, Jie Shan*, Kin Fai Mak*. Dipolar excitonic insulator in a moiré lattice. Nature Phys. 18, 395–400 (2022).
Yanhao Tang, Jie Gu, Song Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James Hone, Kin Fai Mak*, Jie Shan*. Tuning layer-hybridized moiré excitons by the quantum-confined Stark effect. Nature Nanotech. 16, 52-57 (2021).
Jie Gu, Lutz Waldecker, Daniel Rhodes, Valentin Walther, Alexandra Boehmke, Archana Raja, Rian Koots, Thomas Pohl, James C. Hone, Tony F. Heinz, Stéphane Kéna-Cohen, Vinod M. Menon*. Enhanced nonlinear interaction of polaritons via excited exciton states in monolayer WSe2. Nature Comm. 12, 2269 (2021).
Jie Gu", Biswanath Chakraborty", Mandeep Khatoniar, Vinod M. Menon*. A room temperature polariton light-emitting diode based on monolayer WS2. Nature Nanotech. 14, 1024–1028(2019)
Xingwang Zhang, Chawina De-Eknamkul, Jie Gu, Alexandra L. Boehmke, Vinod M. Menon, Jacob Khurgin, Ertugrul Cubukcu*. Guiding of visible photons at the ångström thickness limit. Nature Nanotech. 14, 844–850 (2019)
B. Chakraborty, J. Gu, M. Khatoniyar, Z. Sun, R. Bushati, A. Bohemke, R. Koots and V. M. Menon*. Control of strong light-matter interaction in monolayer WS2 through electric field gating. Nano. Lett. 18, 6455-6460 (2018).
F. Brachati, A. Fieramosca, S. Hafezian, J. Gu. B. Chakraborty, D. Ballarini*, L. Martinu, V. M. menon, D. Sanvitto, S. Kena-Cohen*. Interacting polariton fluids in a monolayer of tungsten disulfide. Nature Nanotech. 13, 906-909 (2018).
J. Gu, X. Liu, E-C Lin, Y-H. Lee, S. R. Forrest, and V. M. Menon*. Dipole aligned energy transfer between excitons in two-dimensional TMDs and organic semiconductors. ACS Photonics 5, 100−104 (2018).
Z. Sun, J. Gu, A. Ghazaryan, Z. Shotan, C. R. Considine, M. Dollar, B. Chakraborty, X. Liu, P. Ghanemi, S. K-Cohen, and V. M. Menon*. Optical control of room temperature valley polaritons. Nature Photonics 11, 491-496 (2017).
T. Glafsky, J. Gu, E. Narimanov and V. M. Menon*. Photonic hypercrystals for control of light matter interactions. PNAS 14, 5125-5129 (2017)
Xiao Liu, Jie Gu, Kan Ding, Dejiu Fan, Xiaoer Hu, Yu-Wen Tseng, Yi-Hsien Lee, Vinod Menon, Stephen R. Forrest*. Photoresponse of an Organic Semiconductor/Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterojunction. Nano Lett. 17, 3176−3181 (2017)
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J. Wang, W. Xie, L. Zhang, D. Xu, W. Liu, J. Lu, Y. Wang, J. Gu, Y. Chen, X. Shen, Z. Chen*. Exciton-polariton condensate induced by evaporative cooling in a three-dimensionally confined microcavity. Physical Review B 91, 165423 (2015)
L. Zhang", W. Xie", J. Wang, A. Poddubny, J. Lu, Y. Wang, J. Gu, W. Liu, D. Xu, X. Shen, Y. G. Rubo*, B. L. Altshuler*, A. V. Kavokin, Z. Chen*. Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices. PNAS 112, E1516-E1519 (2015)
Y. Wang, T. Hu, W. Xie, L. Sun, L. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Gu, L. Wu, J. Wang, X. Shen, Z. Chen*. Polarization-coupled polariton pairs in a birefringent microcavity. Physical Review B 91, 121301 (2015)
Q. Duan, D. Xu, W. Liu, J. Lu, L. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Gu, T. Hu, W. Xie, X. Shen, Z. Chen*. Polariton lasing of quasi-whispering gallery modes in a ZnO microwire. Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 022103 (2013)